VE Day 75th anniversary to be marked with ‘virtual events’ in Mid and East Antrim

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Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is completing a ‘virtual events’ plan to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.

The online celebration is in place of the programme originally scheduled over the May bank holiday weekend but then cancelled in response to the coronavirus emergency.

A council spokesperson said: “We are on the countdown to #VEDay75, Friday 8 May, to mark 75 years since the end of the war in Europe.

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“Due to the current Covid-19 crisis, we are finalising a virtual events plan, with contributors spanning the borough, to allow you to commemorate and celebrate VE Day from the safety of your own home.”

The schedule is as follows:

Friday, May 8 - 10.30am, introduction and welcome to council’s ‘Virtual VE Day 75’ commemoration and celebration; 11am, moment of silence; 2.45pm, extracts from Winston Churchill’s speeches of 8 May 1945; 2.55pm, Last Post and Reveille; 3.00pm, ‘Battles O’er and VE 75 Years’ toast to the nation ; 4.00pm, Silver Poppy recipients; 5.00pm, VE Day poem; 6.55pm, Cry for Peace; 7.00pm, Ringing out for Peace; 9.00pm, sing-a-long with Dame Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll meet Again’ – following the Queen’s address to the nation.

Saturday, May 9: VEDay75MEA garden parties #stayhomesavelives

Sunday, May 10: 11.00am, Tribute to the Millions.

The Factory Community Forum in Larne, Co Antrim, is planning a ‘stay at home street party’ on Friday, May 8 (5pm - 9pm). The group is encouraging residents to get involved in the special event: “Decorate your home in traditional colours and enjoy some music and refreshment within your own front garden.”

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Meanwhile, the forum has extended 100th birthday wishes to Colonel Tom Moore, who has raised £31m for NHS Charities Together by walking laps of his garden in Bedfordshire.

Gareth McConnell, community development officer, said: “We wish you a wonderful day full of love, joy and happiness. You have been a true inspiration to us all in these difficult times. The colossal amount of money you have raised for our NHS is truly incredible and we salute you.”


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